CAREing at Ben-Hem!

This morning I was holding the door and Mr. Kelly asked me to write a paper about what I was doing. I wrote the paper and then Mr. Kelly and I put it online for you to see.

Make sure you are being respectful. It is important to be respectful because other people will treat you the same way.

Thank you for reading my letter and getting inspired.

Laurel Sheehy
Grade 1, Ben-Hem

3 thoughts on “CAREing at Ben-Hem!

  1. Dear Laurel,

    I want you to know how impressed I am with your writing. Your message of being respectful shows the kindness in your heart. Thank you for sharing this lovely message with me.


    Mr. Downing
    Brown School Principal

  2. Laurel,

    Responsibility and respect at Ben-Hem starts with people like you holding doors for others! I am really proud of you!

    Mr. Kelly

  3. Laurel,
    Thanks for being kind and respectful by holding the door for other students. You are setting an example of respect for others to follow. Keep being respectful and kind, it will only bring you kindness and respect.
    See you in P.E.class.


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